Sunday, July 23, 2006

In exactly one week we will be leaving Japan. Wow. These six weeks have flown by, well for me at least. Since there is really nothing new to report, I have decided to have a quick review about my time here. I think I will make a list. I like lists, although I am not an organized person. Anyways, enjoy a change for once, and tell me what you think:
1. Japan is just so awesome. We should all come to Japan at least once.
2. Serving God is so cool.
3. The people rock. That's all there is to it.
4. The food is so good.
5. Since we walk everywhere I thought that I would actually lose some weight, but nope, the food is to good.
6. I have been given the nickname of "Team Chef". Yeah, I know, shocking. But I have cooked chicken teriyaki with sauteed veggies, fried chicken with fried potatoes and macaroni and cheese, bbq chicken with grilled veggies and soy beans, and stuffed bellpeppers with hamburger meat and chesse. Yeah, I have cooked more here than I ever have. And those are just the lunch's that I cooked.
7. I get stared at every time I walk down the street. It's because I'm white.
8. Whenever we are waiting for the train, it gives me the excuse to sing "I hear a train comin'......". Haha, gotta love Johnny Cash.
9. I have spent so much on souvenirs.....for other people, and not for myself.
10. Tyler and I stayed up until 1:30 the other night talking about FFA. Minus two geek dollars Jordan...
11. I love the LST Fairy!
12. Seving God is so cool.
13. The bugs and fruits are bigger in Japan, everything else is very small.
14. One out of 7 days will be rain free.
15. I did not bring a rain poncho.
16. I have taken a ridiculous amount of pictures.
17. Serving God is so cool.
18. I want to come back next summer.
19. I am not home sick, but food sick.
20. It's ok to be jealous. If I was me, I would be jealous too.
21. Readers are so sweet and fun.
22. Discouragement comes easily, but I just think of why I'm here.....serving God is so cool.
23. Hannah leaves me cool myspace messages.
24. I think I bug Hannah with my myspace messages.
25. Hannah is going to have so many gifts when she gets back....more than anybody because whenever I walk by something it goes like this "Oh Hannah would like that!", and then there is a slap across my face and I tell myself no! Enough already! Gosh!
26. I will be broke when I get back to Texas.
27. I refer to the church as "home".
28. Tokyo is so crowded and bright.
29. There are temples everywhere.
30. I need to stop writing......


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you will no longer have an excuse for not cooking a meal or two when you get back home.

Looking forward to your return.........


Anonymous said...

hey ladybug,
i love your list! and yes hannah will be so excited about all the things you have gottin her. i guess we need to start saving for next summer!!! i'm counting the days until we see you, can't wait. i'd like to try some if your cooking i bet it is good.
love you, mom